Wednesday 4 July 2007

No longer Grey now Green

After my miserable vent a spleen post I am feeling much better now, so thanks to any one who read my post and felt sorry for me.

I have decided that at the moment my glass is half full not half empty therefore I will fight the good fight. I have decided not to wallow in self pity because at the moment regardless of how low my odds are I am in with a fighting chance.

In Hindsight, things could easily have gone the other way, IE at my last follow up cycle, my clinic could easily have said

"Dear Mr and Mrs X, how lovely to see you both. We have reviewed your last treatment which was not successful and noted the following.......however but consequently in view of the ..... we would not recommend you try again due to the low success rate."

But they didn't, my Consultant said

"In view of your age, and last cycle results, I recommend if you wish you could give the treatment a final chance, if this cycle isnt sucessful then I recommend you do no more"

so we shall go ahead with vigour and a PMA. Going forward I promise no more stressful posts, I will try to be upbeat and positive.

P.S I forgot this blog was suppose to be about my IVF journey, but I appeared to have got carried away with a ME post.

Today is day 3 since last BCP, so I expect my AF to appear tomorrow, if it does then hopefully I can get a baseline scan on Friday and start injecting asap.

Side effects
I am having the worse hot flushes in my entire life, and they are visible to the world. Going into work has become slightly embarrassing because my face perspires for the entire journey and the fellow commuters are all scared I have the lurgergys or something equally nasty.

Anyway, I must dash for my final sniff. Good night cyber space.

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