Thursday, 13 September 2007

Egg Eviction

Here is a summary of today's events.......

I was so worked up last night I didn't get to bed until 1.30am and then we were up again at 5.15am. Finally got to my clinic at 6.55am, we were a bit annoyed no one was around to book us in. We finally got booked in at 7.20am and the Consultant Urologist was fashionably late. DH went down to theatre for his PESA. They managed to extract some fresh sperm which appeared to be better than the frozen stuff.

I was lucky as the Consultant who did my EC was the one who did all my scans during my Feb cycle. He was extremely charming and reassured me I was in good hands. (He now works for the NHS rather than private).

Anyway I finally went down at 10.30 by that time I was getting a little agitated and worked up aka stressing. When I came around my famous word were "how many eggs". I cannot believe they managed to retrieve 8 eggs.

(I wasn't told the number which were suitable for ICSI ie mature enough). Now I just pray that DH spermies does it stuff, last time I got 7 eggs. 6 mature and 2 fertilised.

BTW another thing which was reassuring. Whilst I was in recovery I had a chat with the recovery nurse (well post drug induced chat). She told me about her trying for a baby quest. She already has a 10 year old and has been trying for 8 years. Finally we went to GP and down the IVF route, however her father died in Dec 06, so she delayed her treatment. In Jan she restarted the process and on the day of her Hystercopy her car broke down so she missed her appointment which annoyed her because it meant she was back at the end of the queue again. However. that month she missed a period and found out she was expecting, she is due in November 07, and has the tinest bump I have every seen. (An Elite at 41, so it does prove it is possible)

It was really nice talking to her because she also talked about the baby hunger, drive and the emotional aspects of ttc, ie everyone around you are getting pregnant and your turn never come up. Also she said at the time she conceived she was ready to give up and in a way therefore wasn't as stressed as before. So my motto is I will try not to stress for this cycle and go with the flow.

I must dash and see if DH is OK, he is such a trooper and has a high pain threshold compared to me. I don't feel as sore to last time maybe it was the Arnica tablets I have been popping.

P.S You may think I am crazy and I probably am am, but don't you think this is spooky but at earlier today I was sent me a text message which read

"I have just sent 8 angels to watch over u. ************
You must send them to 8 people including me
and in 8 minutes u will get some good news".

2hr after this message, I got my good news ie 8 eggs evicted.

I just pray that my eggs are fertilise and I get at least two embies, that's all I ask for.

So I wait and wait with baited breath to hear from the Embryologists....


Portia P said...

Well done on the eight. Fingers crossed for a good fert rate.


Knock Me Up said...

Wow -- 8 is great! Will be checking in tomorrow to hear how fertilization goes. So happy things went well today.